Brecon Elim Church is part of the ELIM Pentecostal Churches.
Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance is a registered charity 251549 (England) and SC037754 (Scotland).
Elim Church Centre,
Canal Road,
Brecon, Powys LD3 7HL
Tel: 07779 513725
God has been good to us and we respond by giving back to him through the local church where he has placed us. The Bible encourages us to give regularly, sacrificially and cheerfully. It is with thankful hearts that we give our finances and time back to God as an act of worship.
This is a simple and easy way to give. You can give a one-time gift or set up regular giving - Click here
For regular giving, we’d encourage you set up a standing order or make a regular transfer using:
A/C: 00041787
Sort code: 30 91 16
Offering baskets will be available on Sunday for you to give.
If you are a UK taxpayer, gifts made by any method can be increased by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme. Please register for the gift aid scheme by filing out the application and returning it to the church.