0 Open House - Wednesdays Food Share
We collect donations from Aldi and pass them on to those in need. Open House is on every Wednesday at the Church 11:00am - 12 noon. Come along on Wednesdays for a chat and coffee. If you are need of support please get in touch by emailing rob@breconelim.co.uk or 07779 513725
0 Community Nights - Every month!
We gather on a monthly basis for food and fun at a local restaurant. Contact us for details of our next event!
Homegroup meets twice a month. This is a great time to get to know each other, study God's Word and stretch our faith. Contact us if you'd like to get involved or want to know more!
0 Visit of Sian Rees from the Bible Society - Sun 8th Oct 2023
Come along and hear what the Bible Society are doing in Wales to equip and support people reading the Bible across our nation.
0 Ex-Footballer Tony Kelly Sun 19th Nov 2023
Tony Kelly was a professional footballer with Stoke City but his life and career was ruined by his gambling addiction. Come and hear how God stepped into his situation and dramatically saved him!
0 Film Night - Weds 13th Sept 2023
Join with us and watch Jesus Revolution! 7pm at Brecon Elim Church. There will be popcorn and drinks too!
0 Visit of Hope House Girls: Teen Challenge UK - 24th Sept 2023
We are delighted that Hope House are coming to be part of our service where they will tell of the power of God at work in their lives! Join us at 10:30am at Brecon Elim Church.
Look at the fun we had at our Summer BBQ...thanks to all the cooks!